Monday, August 27, 2012

Try To Update

    Well, it is about 56 hours until i get on my flight! I will try to update my blog as I can. I am taking a journal and writing in it each day. However, I am not taking any electronics (except ipod and camera). No phone, ipad, or computer. I will depend on what the Camino provides for me. An occaisional Albergue with a computer, public phones and maybe a library. If I have time, I will update the blog and maybe a picture or two.

    When I get back, I want to enter my journal into my blog. We will see how this goes. No frills or luxuries along the way. Back to basics!!!! A lot of things to ponder, past, present and future.
The Way has a way of changing one's life!

Buen Camino

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