Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Little Accidents

Isn't it funny how little things can get in the way? Last Saturday, while knocking around the house barefooted, I slipped off my stairs and injured my foot. It is the area just behind the 4th and 5th toe in the foot. It is slightly discolored but not too bad. The first couple of days, I thought it was broken. My Daughter kept asking me, why I didn't go and get it checked out. My answer was, the Doctor's will x-ray it, give me pain medicine and tell me to ice it, rest it and elevate it and charge me hundreds of dollars.
I rested, it, iced it, and elevated it. Today I went out and ran the fastest training run of the year. Pain level was about a 1 on occaisions, when I hit the foot at certain angles. Tomorrow, I will see how the soreness is. I may very well have cracked my foot, but what is the remedy?
I have run through the mountains, over many roots and rocks and never turned my foot over. Now over the weekend, I turned my foot on stairs.

Little Accidents.

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